It's a beautiful day here! Still cool but warm in the sunshine. Lots of projects to work on. Brent is outside doing the "outside" projects. Staining new furniture he built...putting pavers down for the path to the backyard...hopefully planting another Carolina Jessamine in the backyard. (Our current two are in beautiful yellow bloom!)
I have lots of organizing inside to do. Mostly in Hadleigh and Nathanael's rooms...but that is tough since the easiest time to work is during their naps which rules out working in their rooms. But maybe today I can conquer their closets while they are least begin to.
I am starting
The {21} Challenge on Monday. It is a challenge to start a new habit (or break an old one) in 21 days, creating an art journal as a fun, encouraging, and therapeutic exercise! My goal is to start exercising every morning before the kiddos wake up (at least Nathanael--Hadleigh thinks the exercise video is fun!) Of course, there are many facets to accomplishing this...I have to go to bed at a decent hour (tough for this nightowl!) so that I can wake up early! But those will be good habits too! Part of the challenge is posting the daily art journal here...
So glad it is the weekend. We love the time together as a family. So fun for Hadleigh to wake up in the morning and say (as usual) "" and then tell her that Daddy is home with us ALL day! Have a good weekend!