Wednesday, January 09, 2013

What I Said, What I Did, What I'm Reading

2012 was not a banner year for me, as far as reading is concerned. 

I posted this picture here last year, with my "reading plan," also known as 

What I Said.

And this picture, is to the best of my memory,

What I Did (read).

So, the picture's a bit deceiving. The stack of books laying flat (and which is missing Anne of Green Gables) are the books read in their entirety.  I am 1/5 of the way through Anna Karenina, and getting close to finishing the three books to the left of Anna. The two on the left I am reading (and writing through) slowly. And I'm okay with that.

Apparently, I didn't pursue the more challenging reads on my list.

So here is my start for this year, also known as

What I'm Reading (this year).

I really want to get through Anna Karenina, and I also want to keep the Letters of John Newton & Leaving Cold Sassy on my list. I have some gifts I want to read: Green Dolphin Street and Cranford. I will continue with my writing books. Adding Andree Seu's three-volume collection of essays this year.

And I will probably finish Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time series before I begin any other fiction. I don't know how I couldn't get into these books growing up. I have enjoyed it so very much...reading by booklight until I can't keep my eyes open anymore.

And my first non-fiction book to read this year? The one on top: Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson. I've been looking forward to this since I first heard about it when I learned there might be a MomHeart conference coming to NC. I'm really looking forward to the conference in February...and I think this book arrived at the perfect time for me. (And there are some great giveaways going on for the release of the book this week...just click on the link in the book title!)

I know there will be other books...there always are...that grab my interest and distract me from my plan. But that's okay too.

Tell me what you are looking forward to reading this year?


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed A Wrinkle in Time. Oh how I love those books. I do have a piece of advice. It is a Time Quartet, but I have heard that the last book is not very good at all. A friend told me not to read it because it spoils the other ones, so I pass that advice on to you. I haven't met someone yet who liked the last book. A Wind in the Door (#2) and A Swiftly Tilting Planet (#3) are both good, though I think I prefer A Wind in the Door, but then, I've read that one twice and A Swiftly Tilting Planet only once.
I don't know completely what's in store for my book collection. I have Daniel Deronda on the shelf, but I'm not jumping into another Eliot for a bit. I would like to read Tolkein's appendices on LOTR and The Simarillion - in an attempt to not be as disgruntled as I was with The Hobbit movie.
I'm currently borrowing 7 by Jen Hatmaker - your review?

Estela said...

It's nice to see other people like A Wrinkle in Time, I had bought the book to read to my children and have not done so and they have not been interested in it. I may give it a go this year.
I have 7 on my reading list this year. I had started to read it but didn't finish before it was due and someone had reserved it after me...figures.


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