When Hadleigh wants to draw she asks to "Color pics." Lately, the request has been: "Color pics outside."
She has had sidewalk chalk for several years now (the picture above was her first attempt about two years ago, age 1.5) but until recently, it has only held her attention for a few moments. These days, between her tricycle and her sidewalk chalk, she could very happily spend all day long outside.
Brent and I were delighted to return from an overnight trip last weekend to a driveway that was completely...entirely covered in chalk drawings. Hadleigh enjoyed "starting" a drawing and then asking her "Mimi" to finish the drawing(...very creatively, I might add, Mom!) I wish I had a picture to post but after two different chalk-filled driveways, the rain has washed it away. I'll try again this weekend...but I am loving the rainy forecast!
One thing I love about watching her draw is how original and free and un-taught her drawing style is...it makes me want to be more creative and less contrived! So I'm off to scrapbook!