I'm treasuring my moments with this little guy today...feeling his chubby toddler hands holding mine...listening to his precious little voice say things I didn't know he knew yet (like this morning, while patting his head he said "bumped noggin' "...I have absolutely no idea where he picked up noggin' from!)...watching him love on his big sister (and then try to wrestle her)...watching the sweet way he sucks his thumb while holding his blanket "just right"...so aware that the next time I see him after tomorrow morning, he will definitely seem like such a big boy and not my littlest baby anymore.
I know, because it happened last time.
They warned me last time...Hadleigh will grow up overnight, and she did. Complete with her first set of pigtails, she was so grown up when she came to the hospital after Nathanael was born.

I know she will seem even more grown up now and that Nathanael will all of a sudden no longer be our baby. Will suddenly be a just-about-two-year old big brother. It makes me feel a little bit sentimental...with some pregnancy hormones thrown in too, I'm sure!
But how exciting to see them so excited about their new little sister! Hadleigh is almost beside herself...showing me all of the little clothes and blankets that are ready. I am so anxious to see how the three of them will all interact...my three October blessings!
Next time, expect to see pictures of our newest blessing! Off to the hospital in the morning!
We Love you all !!! And can't wait to see pictures.
Bless you,
Aunt Pauline
Hadleigh looks like your mom in that picture! So pretty!
I couldn't help but tear up a little... Everytime each one of you were born I felt the exact same way...Each of you became such big helpers...and the bond between you,Michael,Matt,and Katy became stronger and sweeter.Each stage became my favorite stage...I think that was one of the many reasons why we had 4! Love you dearly, my first baby girl...Can't wait to see you in 5 days and counting....Blessings, Mom
Hi Kimber-Leigh,
I've been thinking about you and missing you around SIS. I pray that your newest addition is doing well and that you are all home and resting and getting to know each other. As well as savoring each moment and recognizing this miracle- this blessing- that is new life. All my best to each of you in this adjustment phase of life. I am excited to see pictures when you get to posting next. Love and care...XOXO.
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