Five years ago, I remember contemplating this blogging thing. Intrigued. A bit unsure. But five years ago I dove in. And since then I've been sharing with you...sharing things I find interestiing and helpful and fun...sharing a love of cooking and food...sharing some of my crafty pursuits...and sharing a bit of what my life looks like...
So on that note...
Five years ago...
she was my wild, wiggly, sensitive, and dramatic joy. She was being potty-trained. She loved being outside. She didn't say a lot verbally yet...but she made up for it with her facial expressions and affection.

Today, five years later she is almost seven-and-a-half. She's in first grade. She is energetic, reflective, outgoing but also very shy, creative, compassionate, and generous. Her big heart humbles me. She would live outside if she could. She has lost eight teeth. She's a whiz in math...and finds reading a worthwhile challenge.

Five years ago...
he was all smiles. A textbook baby. Snuggly. Our "chubby buddy". He lit up whenever Hadleigh would come near him. He was a sound sleeper and already making "boy" noises.
Today, he is five and a half. He loves legos, quoting favorite movies, building forts, Star Wars, wrestling Daddy, shooting his bow and arrow, and telling us stories. He has a big imagination...a sensitive spirit...a knack for drawing...and he's an encourager and a great helper. He's excited about learning to read and is making good strides towards it. He loves his sisters...but enjoys time with his friends.

Five years ago...
we knew someone was missing...
Today, our ladybug brightens our hearts. She is three and a half. She loves jewelry, dress-up, and has strong opinions about what she wears (dresses, please!) She is artistic, affectionate, loves animals, has a servant's heart, and a determined will. She is learning so much so quickly...she's like a little sponge. She is a delight and growing up way too quickly.

Five years ago, I chose the name "New Every Morning" for my blog...because Lamentations 3:22-23 was the verse I clung too. At that time, I was potty-training, nursing, and still learning to navigate life as a mother of two. (I still thought that grocery shopping with two was impossible-ha!)

Today, the verse still encourages me.
It is still timely for me. I think it always will be. Today, life looks like teaching first grade, Pre-K, and occupying a three-year-old at the same time. It's juggling, every day, the have-tos (school, home, cooking, cleaning, loving & guiding, church), the get-tos (teaching a CC class, gymnastics, speech, playdates, time with friends), and the want-tos (reading, scrapbooking, phone conversations, dates with my sweetheart). All those are a privilege...though some I relish more than others!

Five years ago,
I thought my hands were full!

Today, I know they are...but oh, how my heart overflows.

Five years ago,
a family of four.

Today, five.

Five years ago,
I think this was my first "about me" picture. I was still in my twenties. I wasn't quite sure if anyone would ever read this blog. But I began...

and today, I'm thankful I did. I love going through the archives occasionally...and remembering things I'd forgotten. Seeing posts that reinspire me. Finding recipes that I've lost print copies of. Whew.
Today, I'm in my thirties. Enjoying these years. I'm finding that my days are more full than ever. But I still have things to share.
So thank you for taking a few minutes periodically through the years to read here. To share with me.
The rest of the week, I'll be sharing some giveaways representing the things I enjoy blogging about most: food, things I like, and scrapbooking (one of the main reasons I started the blog to begin with.) So please check back each day the rest of this week and enter to win some fun goodies!