Today there was...
lots of online rental real estate searching...
many calls and emails and texts...
garage sale gathering...
too much computer time...
dishes piled on the counter...
appraisers and real estate papers to be signed asap (i.e. last minute)...
laundry to be put away...
the non-stop Hero Factory monologue of six-year-old excitement...
children with pent-up energy...
scratchy throats...
three cups of tea and one cappuccino.
But anytime the day seemed overwhelming or frustrating, if I just looked up outside my window, my whole view changed.
I was reminded of the magnificence of a spring sky caught in between two storm systems, separated by a day. All day long, the sky played. And just when I would be at my wit's end, I would remember to look outside and and look up.
And be thankful.
Thankful for the big white puffy clouds. For the very strange dark grey cloud that hung low in front of brilliant white ones late this afternoon. The ominous flat cloud that seemed to smother our town as a new storm to the south began to roll in just as the sun was setting. All amazing. All different. All beautiful. The amazing canvas of an even more amazing Artist.
and then I remembered that today there was...
all of us snuggled together before the sun rose...
Owls in the Family reading...
a significant new measure of four year old self-control...
brother & sister Playmobil adventures...
a phone call from South Korea that made my day...
my firstborn who still likes to hold my hand & cuddle on my lap...
joy found in a friend's good news...
non-stop six-year-old monologues...
a new cookbook in the mail...
news that a dear, old friend will be moving to the same area we will...
little voices reminding me to pray...
a last calming cup of tea.