Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Welcome 2008!

As of January 1, 2008, we are officially residents of Oklahoma! Talk about a fresh start for the new year, huh?

We arrived here last night...Madeleine and I enjoyed a quiet drive while Brent towed the trailer with Hadleigh and Nathanael sleeping all of 30 minutes out of the 5-6 hours we spent on the road and making stops to eat and feed Madeleine. It's not often that I drive around, listening to music and enjoying the quiet time where I can think. I spent a lot of time thinking about this new year, our new home, making new friends, and what new things I want to focus on this year.

Here are a few of my thoughts.

1. I want to be the person who remembers to send a birthday card in time for the recipient to actually read it on or before their birthday. I'm usually good about getting cards out...but rarely on time. Brent's mom's birthday is in a little over a week, so I'm already planning a card-buying trip :)

2. I want our home to be a welcome place for Brent, our children, our extended family, and our friends. I'm excited about starting fresh (come March, when our home will be finished) and thinking of ways to make people feel welcome from the moment they first set foot on the doorstep. A lot of this has to do with attitude...I want to make sure I always have a welcoming, hospitable attitude...not just on the outside, but from the heart.

3. I need to find a balance with my time: time with Brent, time with our children, time to keep our home in order, time to seek God's Word, time for "me".

4. I want to make time to that I can better do number 2 and 3! Okay, okay, and so that I can actually wear the clothes in my closet.

5. I want to be a better reader. Reading has always been an important and enjoyable part of my's been awhile since I've read something cover to cover other than some magazines! I've got a few books on my list but I'd welcome your suggestions!

6. I want to be more purposeful in all that I do. (Is purposeful a word? I know, I know, I'm the English teacher...I think it is. Or at least should be.)

7. I want to stay in touch with friends, old and new.

8. I want to be more gentle, loving, kind, warm, compassionate, sincere, and more of a servant...especially to these people:


Ella said...

i love your sweet family picture! i'm so excited about the future for you and your fam in a new state and a new home!!

Tammy said...

Gosh I can relate to all of these! So take comfort knowing you're not alone :) I'm notorious for sending cards to people on their actual birthday - so they always get them a few days late. And I'm STILL looking how to balance it all...

I loved looking at your blog.. your family is very sweet.

stephanie howell said...

hope you get settled in...
your family is so precious.


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