Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 30: Summer Space

During the summer, this space hasn't been getting the use it soon will.  

Our homeschool space.  Probably my favorite spot in our house.

It's beginning to resemble the image in my mind of what I hoped we would one day have for a homeschool room.

There are still posters to hang up and books to reorganize (because what kind of bookshelf is not kid-friendly and thus always a mess?)

There are still random objects from unpacking around the perimeter, looking for a permanent home to spend this next year.

There are still books needing to be ordered before the new school year begins.

There are still planners to fill and guides to print and supplies to purchase.

But I'm excited about this space.

Excited to have a spot where we can focus on learning and reading and adding and crafting sentences and playing with art supplies.  Writing letters and listening to composers and subtracting and storytime snuggling. (Excited about our reading corner!)

I'm excited about what this next year will hold academically for my three. Ready for those lightbulb moments.  Aware that self-control is a fruit that we all learn in the classroom.  Eager to incorporate lots of historical field trips while we study early American history. Mindful of our desire to foster a love for learning and not just correct answers. Prayerful.

I'm hoping to share a bit more about our homeschooling journey in this space over the next year with if you have any questions or something you'd love to hear my take on, please leave a comment or email me!


Christa said...

What a great space! Hope you are all settling in well and enjoying your new area!!

Jen Kershner said...

I can hardly believe it's almost that time again. Your homeschooling room is just perfect! I hope y'all have a wonderful year in there!


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